Consumed by ethics - Mat Little investigates the growth of "ethical" trade on the British Isles, and asks why Britons are turning to the idea that they can change the world through their wallets.
Can we buy ourselves a better society? - It may be gratifying to assist people in impoverished communities, but their future may be tragic if we do not fundamentally reshape our own way of life and society, writes Brian Tokar in this critique of the fair trade economy.Is there a progressive nationalism?
Many on the Left advance the idea of nationalism and the nation-state as a bulwark against imperialism. This is a dangerous fallacy, argues Ken Furan.
Strangers into citizens - For the last 12 years, 'London Citizens' has been working to empower the citizens of London through a range of social justice campaigns and accountability assemblies. Julie Camacho explains why it is the only movement that has managed to put liberalization of migration on the agenda.
The case against immigration controls - Immigration controls serve no other purpose than to make many thousands of innocent people suffer, build an escalating apparatus of repression, undermine human rights, divide and weaken social struggles, and feed racism. Therefore they should go, argues Teresa Hayter in a powerful appeal for free migration.
The legacy of the Enlightenment
Today tolerance and reason are under attack. Atle Hesmyr looks at what we can learn from the experiences of the Enlightenment.
National Socialism and Anti-Semitism in the Arab world
Anti-Semitism is not rooted in the Islamic tradition but, rather, in European ideological models. Matthias Küntzel explores how its early promoters in the Arab world were supported financially and ideologically by the German National Socialist government.
Potentials and pitfalls of town meeting advocacy
In recent years activists have brought campaigns to U.S. town meetings on a range of issues such as nuclear energy, climate policies, civil liberties, U.S. wars, and genetic engineering. What have been the strengths and weaknesses of this strategy? what can activists around the world learn from this form of local organizing? asks Ben Grosscup.
Change the world by taking power
Is power something negative? Does it always have to corrupt? And does “taking power” necessarily have to mean taking state power? In this critique of autonomist theorist John Holloway, Sveinung Legard gives surprising answers to these questions.
Why Social Ecology?
In this interview communalist activist Jakob Zethelius talks about issues such as forestry, movement building, popular control of the economy, and libertarian municipalism in a Swedish context.
This issue also includes commentaries, reviews, portrait of the Dutch organization De Fabel van de illegaal, presentations of new books and more.
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