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Products found matching 'endnotes'

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End Notes 1

End Notes 1


 “Endnotes 1: Preliminary Materials for a Balance Sheet of the 20th Century” presents a discussion between two contempor…

Kontrrazvedka: The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service

Kontrrazvedka: The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service


The Makhnovist movement was an attempt by peasants in southeastern Ukraine to create an anarchist society in 1917-1921. This …

Communization and its Discontents

Communization and its Discontents


 "Can we find alternatives to the failed radical projects of the twentieth century? What are the possible forms of strugg…

Sic #1: International Journal for Communisation

Sic #1: International Journal for Communisation


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"The present journal aims to be the locus for an unfolding of the problematic of communisation. It comes from the encounter …

End Notes 3: Gender, Race, Class and Other Misfortunes

End Notes 3: Gender, Race, Class and Other Misfortunes


Third installment from the Endnotes discussion group. Pieces include: "The Holding Pattern""The Logic of Gender"…

We Are Nothing and So Can You

We Are Nothing and So Can You


We Are Nothing and So Can You is a book-length poem for the long 21st century to come, a poem of revolts past, present, a…

If You Want Peace, Prepare For War

If You Want Peace, Prepare For War


Reprint of a piece by the Stoke Newington 8 Defence Group (original from 1972), with an introduction and endnotes from See RE…

Sons of Night: Antoine Gimenez’s Memories of the War in Spain

Sons of Night:  Antoine Gimenez’s Memories of the War in Spain


A fascinating memoir of the Spanish Civil War as well as a new approach to writing history, The Sons of Night is two books…

End Notes 5

End Notes 5


Just arrived! Long awaited Issue 5 of the Endnotes Journal:  contents list below.  The Passions and the Interests ∅…

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